Frequent Questions
Q.  How many classes are offered per month?
A.  Usually there will be 4 scheduled classes per month, but when the demand becomes higher for a particular design, we will schedule extra classes to accomodate.
Q.  How many spaces are available in each class?
A. Usually 10-15 depending on location.
Q.  How long is each class?
A.  Each class will average 2 hours unless noted when you sign up.
Q.  What is the cost for each class?
A.  Most classes will be $35.  Some classes will have an additional amount added due to extra materials. 
Q.  Do we need to bring supplies?
A.  No, all supplies and tools will be supplied. 
Q.  Is there an age limit on the classes?
A.  The studio is not set up to accommodate very small children.  The complexity of the projects better suits high school age on up.
It makes for a great "Ladies Night Out"
Q.  Can we bring our own wine and snacks to have while we paint?
A.  Absolutely, if the class is in my studio.   Guests bringing wine must be 21+. 
Classes held at Grapes To Wine will receive 1 glass of wine with their class. 
Q.  How will we know what projects are offered each month?
A.  Visit our website early in the month to see pictures of upcoming projects and dates offered. 
Q.  Do you do special events?
A.  Absolutely!   We have specialized packages for Bachelorette Parties, Baby Showers, Birthday Parties,  Family Night, Date Night, Mom's Day Out, etc.  Contact Carol directly to customize your own party!
Q.  Do you offer daytime classes?
A.  Yes.  Daytime classes will be offered from 10-Noon on certain days.
See our calendar for details!
Q.  Do you take credit card for payment?
A.  Yes.  Coming soon.